09d271e77f Installation and Configuration of Selenium Webdriver . Installation and Configuration of Selenium Webdriver . . Step 3 - Download Selenium Java Client Driver. Download selenium-chrome-driver-2.26.0.jar. selenium-chrome/selenium-chrome-driver-2.26.0.jar.zip( 9 k) The download jar file contains the following class files or Java source files. View all ChromeDriver downloads. . by the Selenium project ("the driver") . must be set by the webdriver.chrome.driver system property error message . I am having problems with the Selenium chrome driver on my build pc. I am getting periodic failures. When I look at the screen of the build pc I see a chrome window opened with an empty tab. Download; Projects; search . require 'rubygems' # not required for ruby 1.9 or if you installed without gem require 'selenium-webdriver' driver = Selenium .
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